Choosing the right lamp shade
If you want to enhance the decor of your room, try changing the shades of the lamps that are there in the room. Shades are available in a variety of styles, fabrics and colors. The following rules can help you in making the right choice.
Rule 1: Let your imagination run wild!
When choosing a shade, try to look beyond the obvious. Use your imagination. Don't hesitate to try something unconventional. Most lamps can look good with a number of different shade shapes. Therefore, the possibilities are endless.
Rule 2: Be clear about the theme
You need to choose a shade that gels with the overall "look" of your room. If the look is classic, select a shade that looks traditional; if the look is modern, select a shade of contemporary design.
Rule 3: Keep in mind the shape
Choose the shape of the shade according to the shape of the lamp. For example, a conical shade will look good with a lamp that has got a heavy base. Remember that most lamps can look good with a variety of shapes, and therefore, possibilities are endless.
Rule 4: Choose the right color
White color shades let the most light through and are the most useful when the goal is to illuminate the entire room. On the other hand, black shades direct most of the light down, and are most useful when the idea is to create an impact.
Rule 5: Fabric
Choose a fabric that blends in with the room's overall décor. Silk shades look best in intimate bedroom settings. By contrast, linen has a more rustic feel that's well suited for family rooms or dens.
Choosing a Lamp Shade On Sale